Thursday, October 13, 2011

Double Period Project 1812 / 1912

Ta Da, the finished waistcoat.  I think that it came out pretty well and and I quite pleased with it.  I like the larger standup collar.  Currently, I have pins holding it together.  Buttons will come later, the bulk of this task is done.  Well almost, all of the edges must be pick stitched to stop the lining from rolling to the outside.
But, I really don't mind doing that, it really makes a difference.

The finished waistcoat.  I should have placed the shirt inside before I took this picture, but I didn't think of it.

The lining with the fabric as facing.  The pockets are just flaps to mimick pockets, there really wasn't enough space left to make actual pockets.  I don't know if you can see, but I started the pick stitching, all of the edges will be pick stitched.

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