Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Double Period Project - Update

Sorry, I have not been able to update my blog as I should have.  As the holidays came and went, there was so much to accomplish. The competition comes to an end in just a couple of weeks. I still have some to do to complete both period costume outfits by the deadline.

I did not like the shirtwaist, well, I did like it, but it didn't go with the rest of the outfit, the linen was to heavy and it bunched around the waist. So, I quickly made another simple shirtwaist, without all of those wonderful tucks that took forever to do,  out of thin white fabric that I had on hand.  I overlayed the white with some black lace and  made a simple jabot to go with it.  It needed something down the front of the layered shirtwaist.  I am pleased with the jabot.  I saw a couple of images of jabots from this period and thought that I could use it.  So, I made one. I didn't have a pattern, I just winged it and it came out pretty well.  I used yet another of those fancy edged napkins that I cut up to make the trim around the collar of the pale yellow shirtwaist.

I was torn between brown fur and the black and white chinchilla fur.  I had lot more of the chinchilla so I went with that for the trim on the collar of the outer coat.  That's another reason that I changed the shirtwaist.

I finished the skirt and the outer jacket as well.  I have to hem the skirt and have finished hemming the jacket.

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