Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Double Period Project 1812 Shirt

The J.P. Ryan shirt will need a few modifications to bring it in line with the style of shirts worn around 1812.

Above are the changes that I plan to make.

Double Period Project 1812 - Shirt

The first item that I will make for the contest will be a man shirt from 1812.  I already have the pattern.  It is the J. P. Ryan pattern for a man's 18th Century Shirt.

This particular pattern has two options ruffles at the cuffs and down the front and a shirt without with ruffles. Since this shirt should be around 1812, I will make it without the ruffles.  Also from the inspiration pictures it appears that the men may be outside or at least it is during the day.

Here is picture of the shirt as it appears on the cover of the pattern.

Unfortunately, the second option of the shirt without the ruffles is not that visable from the captured picture above.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Double Period Project - 1812 - 1912 Analytics

To get the project started, I read a  very useful article from the archives of YWU,  it dealt with project planning.   I have started so many projects and  some how along the way, the entire thing gets derailed.  It was the dreaded "scope creep", you keep looking for additional inspirational pictures to use for the project you are currently working on.  Sooner or later, you find another great inspiration image and tell yourself with just a  few minor changes, you could create this new image even better then the initial selected image. 

It would require perhaps, additional fabric, new pattern, accessories, time, etc. the list of add on continues until the entire project gets derailed.

This time, I plan not to succumb to "scope creep".

Anyhow, one of my  favorite websites to frequent is the American Duchess. She does a costume analytics where she analyzes a painting.  I borrowed her concept to help me figure out the elements needed for the 1812 men's outfit.

Here is my analyzed image:

For me, this technique was very useful especially when I attempted to apply the rules as outlined in the YWU project planning guide.

Double Period Project 1812 - 1912 Inspiration

Somehow, the system would not allow me to add a second image to the previous post.  So here is the second inspiration picture for a man's 1812 Walking suit or Promenade Suit.

As I mentioned before, the outfit will be a compilation of the two suits, since I like elements from both.

Double Period Project - 1812 / 1912 - Inspiration

The first period I plan to tackle is 1812.  I have decided to make a man's walking suit or promenade outfit. Perhaps, the gentleman is taking the air, a little stroll in the late afternoon. 

After conducting several, actually a lot, searches for inspirtinal images, fashion plates and paintings, I settled on these pictures.  The final outfit will be contain elements from these initial sources.

The images come from website, men's fashion images 1810 - 1819.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Double Period Project - 1812 / 1912

I realize that it has been a long time since I have posted anything on my blog. I had some minor health problems last year and my planned costuming projects fell by the wayside.  I was not able to attend Costume Con 29 even though it was in driving distance, 3 hours north. It seemed that one thing after another put the breaks on my costuming plans.

I still surfed the net and I stumbled upon Your Wardrobe Unlocked by Catherine Hay whose home base is in London.  It was a great site with lots of useful articles, some were free.  I actually had seen and used the site several times, but I  had never joined.  This time, last February 2011, I decided to join and I am glad that I did.

One of the articles dealth with costume project planning and the dreaded " project scope creep".  That was me, I would have a wonderful plan for a costume project and would even start the project, but I never stop researching for more information or pictorial inspiration.  Of course you always find another inspirational picture that you want to use instead of the one you selected for your project initially.  Just a few changes, patterns, fabric, accessories, time, nothing major, right? Wrong, they were all major and this scope creep derailed several projects of mine in the past.

The article mentioned breaking down the costume project into doable, small units of works, pattern drafting, pattern cuting, pattern alterations etc.  You then break these down into smaller units of works.  In this way, the project doesn't begin to overwhelm you with all of the things which much be done.  This made sense to me. I it really does work.

Anyway, each year Your Wardrobe Unlocked has a costuming contest which, it's called the Double Period Project Contest.  For 2012, the double periods will be the year 1812 and the year 1912, you can make a costume from one year or both, or you can make one item, corset, hat, gloves, gown, coat etc. to enter the challenge, you don't have to make an entire outfit unless you want.

You have until January 2012 to complete the costume(s) or item(s).

I have decided to enter the contest and make costumes for both period, 1812 and 1912.  I know it insane, but I know that I can do it.

Here we go, so stay tuned.................